Just For MenMonkey Business

EU bans the sale of Just For Men hair dye because it’s sexist

The best-selling hair colour brand, used by millions of men has been banned as sexist.

Under EU anti-discrimination rules the hair dye is considered to be insulting and demeaning to those who are not Men, those who aren’t sure if they are Men, Men who want to be Men, Women who want to be Men, Women who want to be Women but look like Men, Women who want their Men to be Men and Women who want their Men to be someone else.

The EU’s action has come after several years of furious head scratching and debate as EU Commissionaires tried to navigate the PC Minefield anti-discrimination campaigners landed them in.

Jean-Claude Napatone explained “We got so confused that at one stage we considered ordering everyone to shave their heads, fortunately we saw sense. Although had we done that, you probably wouldn’t be making Boris PM.”

The ban doesn’t apply to Just For Men beard products “That would be ridiculous” said Jean-Claude.

When he was asked about whether they would take action against the controversial ‘Not For Men Sex Toy Range’  Monsieur Napatone explained, “It took seven years to ban hair dye, do you have any idea how long it will take to regulate sex toys? It’s a great idea! We’ll be working on this until I retire!”

Categories:Monkey Business

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